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This is for third party advertisers who would want to advertise on site but not have listing under any plan. For those who have listing there are two plans where banners are allowed. Please refer Compare Plans if you are having a listing on this site.

Third Party Advertisers have following spot available for advertising on site

1. Left Column button banner Ads 120X40px: This will be placed below the category column and there will be a maximum of 10 slots available. If there are more than 10 advertisers then the banners would be randomly rotated to display 10 in a manner that all advertisers get evened out exposure. A Maximum of 40 advertisers will be taken for this slot.

2. Center Column 468X60px banner Ad: There is only one slot and with highest position on the page in center column. All banners in this slot will be rotated so that all advertisers get same exposure for a given month. A maximum of 5 advertisers will be accepted for this slot.

3. Center Column 100X40px banner Ad: Each row will have 5 ads and there will be a maximum of 4 rows so there would be 20 advertisers displayed at any time. If there are more than 20 advertisers in this slot then the as would be rotated randomly with every page change. A maximum of 40 advertisers will be accepted for this slot

4. Right Column 250X250px banner Ad: There is only one slot available below the Featured Classifieds block in right column and all advertisers banners in this will be rotated with every page change so that all advertisers get evened out exposure over a given month. A aximum of 10 advertisers will be accepted for this slot.

Please Note Following:

  • Please confirm from us if there's a vacant slot available for a given spot as number of advertisers per spot are restricted as per the details above.
  • All graphics will have to be provided by the advertiser in the specified size in gif/jpg format and also editable png format.
  • It is advertisers responsibility to ensure that all artwork submitted is free from any copyright violations. If any violation is reported, then advertiser would be informed and the artwork removed from advertising cycle and client would be required to submit a new artwork. There will be no refunds offered or adjustments done for the period during which the banner was not available as the same was removed due to copyright violations.
  • Gambling, Alcohol products, Tobacco products, Pornographic, Ponzie Scheme/MLM sites, Membership Site related advertisements are not allowed on site and they would not be accepted. Any other advertisements which are not allowed to be run as per Indian laws/US laws on Online Medium will not be accepted.
  • The linking URL will have to be provided by the client. Linking URL is the URL to which the banner of advertiser will lead to when anyone clicks the banner.
  • Banner will be activated only after crediting of payments on our account. For details of tariff please Contact Us
  • All Orders placed with us for advertisement are final and non refundable.
  • One month is minimum term and advertiser can also book for quarterly, biannually and annual term also. Discounts are available for all terms except monthly.

For all queries with regard to advertising please Contact Us

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