Under water industry products group comes all those products which are used in water & waste water treatment and pumping application in municipal plants, power plants, petrochemical plants, pulp and paper plants, cellulose plants and all those process plants consuming large amount of water for cooling, mixing, filtration
Water control gates Water control gates are generally used for isolation of flow from one chamber / sump to another or from a chamber to a conduit or vise versa or from one channel to another. The various types of gates offered are penstocks / sluice gates, open channel gates, weir gates, flap gates, stop logs etc.
Screens Screens are used for separation of floating wastes from water in intake structures, pumping stations, treatment plants and process plants. The various types of screens offered are Raking bar screens, Step screens, Drum screens, Traveling band screens, suspended trash rake screens, Static screens etc
Knife gate valves Knife gate valves are used for isolation and position shut off solid liquid mixes slurries being conveyed in pipe lines. The types of valves offered are bonneted type and bonnet less type in cast as well as fabricated construction.
Sluice gates : various types of Sluice Gates are manufactured by us,Cast Iron Sluice Gates,HDPE Sluice gates, Aluminum Sluice Gates,FRP Sluice Gates,Stainless Steel Sluice gates
Under solids handling product group comes all those products which are used in handling dry bulk solids in power plants, petrochemical plants, cement plants, ports, mineral processing plants, palletizing plants and various process industries
Slide gate valves for low pressure isolation application in bulk solids handling.
Knife gate valves for medium pressure isolation application in bulk solids handling
Swing valves for coarse metering and pressure tight shut off in pneumatic conveying.
Double flap valves for air lock, batching or metering application in bulk solids.
Fabricated valves for large opening and high temperature isolation application.
31, Sector-C, Industrial area
Sanwer road
Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452015